We know Halloween is most likely canceled this year for a lot of people. So we wanted to do something small and continue Red Doors Trick or Treat tradition. We will have candy, goody bags for kids, popcorn, cotton candy & and a costume contest. We will be open from 10am-3pm. You must wear a mask in order to keep everyone safe and follow COVID-19 guidelines (it's the only way we will be able to have this event).
Costume Contest Rules: There will be a kids and an adult group. Contestants' photos will be posted to our Facebook page for our followers to vote on. The winner of each group will receive a $50 gift certificate.
*All treats & toys will be handled with gloves and masks at all times. All surfaces will be wiped down and disinfected between each customer. All customers must wear a mask for the rare event that you may not be able to keep your 6' distance. Your safety is our number one priority.
We will not accept consignment on 10/31/2020